Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Set back

So I had a set back today with not smoking. It was the first time in over a month that I had 1. I tried so hard not to, but I failed. Deep breath, start again. I haven't been doing as well with losing weight, but that's ok. One step at a time

Monday, December 17, 2012

1 month in

        I am one month in on no smoking. Doing well so far. but while i am not smoking i am eating more to pass my cravings. So i am at 220 at 5'4" and i needs to go. My goal for the next week is no more soda. This will be the hardest hump for me to get over because that is what i love the most. Also cutting back on the sweets. Not going to cut them out completely just yet because i don't want to shock my system.  Now i know that it may not actually "shock" my system i am just taking baby steps because i don't want to fall off my wagon before i really get going. I have also been trying to snack more on carrots, grapes, and celery. I prefer the crunchy things. I found a great peanut butter that has berries and nuts in it. I also love popcorn so i have recently started popping my own at home with out a popper. Take a brown paper lunch bag($5 for 100), 1/4 popcorn kernels (i get mine in bulk at Kroger organic section 1.79 a lb) some times i only use half, coat kernels in favorite oil in sm bowl(i use sunflower oil) , spoon into bag(i try to let as much oil come off kernels before placing in bag) Fold 1/2in down twice, pop 2-2:30 min. Listen for pops you don't want to over pop. It's a great snack without all the guilt. My Daughter and I both love this snack no salt or anything.